December 11, 2014 “Loving Kindness, safe, nurturing, intuitive, insightful. These are a few of the words that describe the Pancha Karma experience. I am truly touched and changed; my heart is open and strong. I feel my divinity shining through.” Howard...
December 11, 2014 “The Pancha Karma experience was restorative, rejuvenative and life changing. I feel supportd in body, mind and spirit to continue my journey in greater health and balance.” Terry...
December 11, 2014 “Pancha Karma is a beautiful process to access the many layers of our bodies that store our memories and experiences. Pancha Karma it is the greatest girt I have given myself and I will continue to do so on a regular basis.” Cindy...
December 11, 2014 “I feel strong and light and optimistic. It really is a brand new world again. The possibilities are infinite and boundless. The transformation of Pancha Karma!! I am forever grateful. Denise...
December 11, 2014 “This Pancha Karma has been life changing. I feel cleansed on many levels. I am inspired by your clarity of purpose and your dedication to others. You are a delightful healer and educator about the science of Ayurveda.” Helen...