Learn About Dosha

The results of the online Dosha self-test may give a good indication of your primary dosha, but the evaluation of an Ayurvedic practitioner is generally more accurate. To learn more about dosha and the different body types that an individual may have, check out the information below:


Dosha Self Test Vata Ambika Ayurveda Chico, CA

Vata is comprised of ether and air. It is dry, light, cold, mobile, active, clear, astringent, and its energy is dispersing. Due to the light quality of Vata, a person with this constitution will have a slight body frame, slight muscles, with little or no fat, and will be thin and underweight. Because of the cold quality of Vata, these types will tend towards poor circulation evident in cold hands and cold feet. They will have an aversion to the cold and love warmth. The mobile quality of Vata makes these individuals quite active. They like to move about, jogging or jumping and not sitting in one place. They are fast-speaking, fast-moving, creative and energetic. They are enthusiastic and inspiring and make excellent artists and healers.


Vata people can be clairvoyant. They have a clear understanding and great perception. They understand things immediately but tend to forget easily. Due to the subtle nature of a Vata constitution, the emotions will manifest as fear, anxiety, insecurity, and nervousness. They can become overwhelmed under stress, and have a hard time staying focused. Vata-predominant types tend to get neurological, muscular, and rheumatic problems. A person with an excess in Vata will most likely experience dry hair, dry skin, dry colon, and deal with constipation. Vata is balanced by heavy, moist, warm, and stable qualities.


Ayurveda Rejuvenation Dosha Self-Test Pitta

Pitta’s biological combination is water and fire. It is hot, sharp, light, liquid, sour, oily, and its energy has spreading qualities. If an individual has an excess of Pitta in the body, they will have a strong appetite and have lots of heat in the body. A Pitta person can sweat at a fifty degree temperature (whereas a Vata person may not perspire at all even at a much higher temperature). A Pitta body will be moderate, with steady weight, have a medium frame, and good muscle tone. They are most likely intense, energetic and focused individuals. Their focus becomes stronger under stress. They are perceptive and dynamic. Pitta types make great teachers, leaders, and guides. Emotionally, Pitta types are challenged with anger issues, resentment, jealousy, and can be overly cynical and critical. They are perfectionists. Pitta people tend to get fevers and rheumatic, Pittagenic, inflammatory diseases.


Pitta is balanced by cool, heavy, stable, and slightly dry qualities.


Dosha Self Test Kapha Ambika Ayurveda Chico, CA
is a combination of water and earth. People with this predominant constitution will have heavy, slow, cool, oily, liquid, dense, thick, static, and cloudy qualities. Kapha gravitates to sweet and salty tastes. These individuals will tend to have heavy, large bones and thick muscles and fat. They will tend to put on weight, have a slow metabolism and digestion, and may have cool, clammy skin. They can work without food. They have a strong digestive fire, so the appetite is large. They most likely will have thick, wavy hair and big, attractive eyes. Kapha types are slow-moving and slow-talking. They do not like to jog or exercise too much. They love sitting, eating, and doing nothing. They are forgiving, loving, generous, and compassionate people. They may struggle with lethargy, depression, and over-attachment. People with Kapha constitution are prone to mucous conditions of the lungs and sinuses and tend toward water retention and diabetes. They are consistent, dedicated, have unconditional love, are nurturing, and devoted. They make the best friends and make wonderful caretakers and supporters. Kapha is balanced by warm, light, dry, and mobile qualities.


A simple self-analytical test will help you determine which is your primary dosha. Circle the answer that best describes you. After completing all the questions, add up the number of answers you have circled for each row and fill in your total numbers. If your results show a difference of less than a total of 10 between two rows, then you are considered a combination of both dosha types. For example, if you get a total of 20 for Vata and 29 for Pitta, you have a PittaVata constitution, in that order. You may experience mostly Pitta qualities accompanying other Vata tendencies.

Want to find out more about your dosha? Contact us to schedule an in-depth consultation.